Norton likened the line between clever and stupid to the difficulty of striking the right balance between artistic integrity and audience appeal in filmmaking. Monty Brogan (Edward Norton) has 24 short hours to go to jail for seven long years. Many filmmakers strive for greatness by making compelling films, but only a few succeed. Edward Norton in Touchstones 25th Hour - 2002. Not everybody is Francis Coppola or you know I’d say it’s like people sometimes make and they actually are slow you know what I mean…” WM: How involved was the novelist with the film SL: David Benioff wrote a great script and then I took it over. We’re talking about people who are some of our greatest artists or directors you know/ And I mean they and lots of people they try on some level but they just not everybody is Spike Lee, you know what I mean. Death to Smoochy (2002) It is certainly not Norton’s fault that this infamous Danny DeVito/Robin Williams black comedy about the supposed alcoholic monsters who produce our children’s. We were inundated with your questions for acclaimed 25th Hour director Spike Lee.

“Well, on one level, yeah it’s easy to recognize when they’re great but it’s still not easy to make them great. Spike Lee was born Shelton Jackson Lee on March 20, 1957, in Atlanta, Georgia. Spike Lee with Edward Norton and Philip Seymour Hoffman. The actor emphasized that not everyone is as brilliantly inventive as Spike Lee or Francis Coppola. Spike Lee’s 10 Best Movies Ranked By Joe Leydon David Lee Spike Lee has been making movies for more than 30 years now, racking up some two dozen feature credits leading up to the release. 25th Hour is a 2002 American drama film directed by Spike Lee and starring Edward Norton.

Norton noted that it is extremely difficult to make truly great movies and that only the most talented and visionary artists and directors can make films of this caliber.